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Mr. Lockey Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a collection of lock and security frequently asked questions that we at Mr. Lockey have collected to help educate readers about our locksmith services.
Even without the original, a replacement could be produced. However, you must determine whether yours is a transponder, traditional, or car key fob. Key fobs and transponders can be challenging to replace, whereas conventional keys are fairly straightforward. You can then decide to contact Mr. Lockey.
If you lose or misplace your car keys, try to remain as calm as possible and collect the following information:
- The vehicle's registration number, make, and model
- The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
- Your identification
- Proof of vehicle ownership
- Your address
Our auto locksmiths should be able to provide you with key programming and key cutting services using the above information.
Absolutely Not. There are high security locks available for both residential and commercial applications that are resistant to being picked.
Yes, locks can be keyed to use the same key. This can save time in searching through keys trying to find the right one for the current lock.
Yes, we have mobile locksmiths who can help if you lock your keys in your car and need assistance. If you need assistance, call us on 512-800-3619 now.